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 Price list

Here is a list of our typical prices for custom monogramming and applique work.  Please note that these prices are estimates and they can vary due to special requests and other unique requests.


​Prices for monogramming on fabric provided by you

Basic size

1 to 3 Letters................$8


*additional charges for larger 

sized monograms

1 Fabric....................$10

2 Fabrics...................$12

3 Fabrics +.................$15+


Applique Work

​Appliques on fabric provided by you​


​Appliques, including garment



short sleeve onesie......$18

long sleeve onesie.......$20

short sleeve shirt...$18-$23

long sleeve shirt....$25-$28

Applique bib.............$10

...................2 for $18

Applique Burp Cloth......$10

...................2 for $18


​Prices for monogramming, including garment


Monogrammed Onesies......$15

....................2 for$25

Monogrammed Burp Cloths...$8

...................2 for $15

Monogrammed Bibs..........$8

...................2 for $15


​Applique + Monogramming on your fabric​

Applique Cost + $2 for Monogram


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